Saturday, December 31, 2011

Having a reflection on 2011, seeking a resolution for 2012

Year 2011 was quite a momentous year for me, primarily because every dream fall into place on its own.

I had my passport made in Jan 2011, went on the trip to Hatyai with my colleagues from my former branch. Thereafter on the 12th Aug 2011, the day I turned 30 according to both the Western calendar and Chinese lunar calendar, I boarded my first ever flight, and of all places, to Chengdu, China (speaking of coincidences) - none of this were planned exactly, not even the date of the flight.;-). I guess this is called going back to the roots, inspite of how I never really wanted that? Last, but not least, the trip to Singapore over the Christmas weekend. All in all, 2011 had been an adventurous year for silly little me.

Now, how about the last few days of 2011. It had been horrific. Getting one sickness after another, infection, sore throat, cough, flu and even blackout. The year ended on a purging note for me. But, no worry, because despite all these, the water taste sweet to my mouth until I get bored with it. I think, I could somehow understand why the Israelites get bored with their manna...I get bored cause the water and rice all taste sweet to my mouth...Sigh!!!

Oh, not forgetting, I finally graduated in November 2011 after the convocation... :-)

In short, 2011 is a milestone year for me.

Now, what kind of resolution should I make for 2012? How about finding someone, and settling down? Oh my God, did I just say that? Oh well, I'll keep the rest between God and myself.

Here's wishing everyone Happy New Year 2012. May there be abundance blessings of health, joy and love for you, you and you...:D

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