Friday, November 25, 2011

To Forgive Takes Courage

Remembering the hurt and yet have forgiven someone felt like the hardest thing to do. And yet, come to think of it, God has done that time and again to me. Even when humans rain condemnation on me, even when I did that, God took me into His arms when such compassion that truly if I do not forgive those who hurt me, how do I face Him?

And yet the very thought of forgiving is so very scary. Scared that I'll get hurt again, scared that I'll be taken advantage of by people if I ever let them away from that black book. And yet, and forgive was the only way to move forward. To forgive was the only way to acknowledge all the second chances which I have received. To forgive takes courage, and I guess, after so many years of living with so much unknown and unfounded fears, it is indeed time to take courage and forgive and embrace others even while I'm still in the midst of this journey to find that courage to be kind to others without ever fearing that rejection again.

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