Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

After a journey that started in early 2007, it finally reach it's end when I finally, truly graduated (in a way). It all started in 2006, when I had started getting bored, my siblings feeling concern about my career path and studies, as well as my mom. Looking round and finding nothing, I left it as it is (as I always did). Then about the end of 2006, while working late in my office, a document was faxed in. As it was routine for me to check and cleared the fax machine area, I proceeded to unlock and move in to check on the document. Turned out, it was an offer of sorts from Wawasan Open University, for staff from whichever company that the document arrived for, to sign up as they will be taking in their first batch of students. Curious, I took that and presented it to the branch manager, who gave me the permission to ask the other staff who could be interested to submit their names. After submitting our names, the few of us obtained further information on the degree available. From there, this part of my journey began.

Every semester, new things, unknown things cropped up. My uni mates and I were indeed a whole bunch of guinea pigs. Plunging into the uncertainty took a lot of faith as I was weighing options on whether to continue, as well as how my entire social life seemed to be stuck (not that I have much to shout about in the first place).

Now that it had finally ended, the transcript and scroll handed to those of us who have graduated (for me a CGPA of 3.70, a Distinction even when I had been spending about half the time reading everything else but my course materials), I can only say with all thankfulness that I could only do these on the strength of the Lord and with support and love from my family.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. And may each day be made fresh and ended with thanksgiving despite our circumstances. Turkey or chicken??...

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