Monday, May 21, 2012

Still a BLUR

Many times I look and wondered, is it time yet? Should I make my move? What’s next? Am I emotionally-ready to take on all that?

I guess, unlike most people, I couldn’t see the things in front of me. My mind needs to have the overall picture, before returning to move. Worse, I usually still would not know what my next move should be, even though I saw the final picture. But, how do I know the final picture, without going through the current path, some may say? Well, it usually has one of this feeling about being in a small container high up on a cabinet, you look down and saw the table and know you will be there and yet at the same time you have no idea HOW??? Herein is my situation. If someone asked, how would you know you would necessary end up on the table, the answer to that is very simple, it’s call ‘purpose’. If I am a spatula in that small container that was somehow put up on the cabinet, my purpose as a spatula was to be used for bakery or cooking, and the user will need to take it down and put it on the table when the time comes.

That is what life is like, for me. I saw that (final) goal, I may or may not know my purpose at one point or another, but I most definitely have no idea still, how I would be place in such a way, where I would go, how I would go and why I would be going.

As it is, this journey is truly a process that someday when I look back, I could say, oh so that’s what it’s all about. For the time being though, I am STILL A BLUR……


Wild Bill said...

To me - Life is not about reaching the end goal, it is about the journey that matters most. You can be the richest person alive, but you can;t take it with you. What you can take with you and that which matters most are your efforts here on earth and what we can do for mankind to alleviate the suffering, Remember, Successful people look for ways to help other people, ignorant and selfish people ask "What is in it for me?" This success is a mindset and a matter of perception. Thus, this successful mindset is needed whatever path you choose, and you can not help but be successful with this mindset as people are drawn to you then naturally. So don't necessarily focus on the end goal, but the path.

ChiewYee Toh said...

Thanks for posting your comment here, Wild Bill. Your sharing is enriching and give this log a completely different perspective.

As a matter of fact, I do enjoyed the path. Unfortunately, whenever others asked me about my short-term goals, I found myself fumbled, unable to see anything in front of me at all. And all I could see was that end goal right at the finale.

But thanks for enlightening me on this. I just about almost forgot that I tend to enjoy the process more than reaching a supposed goal...

Wild Bill said...

Then let me ask, what is your end goal?

ChiewYee Toh said...

My final goal is to be able to set up shelter which is self-sustainable through activities such as farming and small business for the homeless, orphans and the abused. My hope for this is that these people would instead of continuing in their victim mentality, they will have a sense of empowerment, to be independent and yet interdependent with one another, and that the people who finally moved out from the poverty level would in turn reach out to help their fellow humans... destination seems to show Africe (this is as yet still a blur)

Wild Bill said...

Well, Good Morning! I read your blog post and my forst thought was where in the world did you ever become so intelligent? What you are looking for is not so far fetched as it is a "Tall Order" as it encompasses many levels such as a major change in human spirit and thought, a change in a system of governments, and most importantly - faith in god. With God, all things are possible.

What you are discussing is just about what the forefathers of the U.S. wanted, coming from tyrannical governments, the system of government, a republican capitalist system of government wherein the States within the whole body (County) were reliant on one another. This type of government builds upon self reliance at the individual level and responsibility if self whereas you reaped what you sewn, you worked hard - you reaped the rewards of such. And with this, a spiritual attitude of responsibility where you took care of your own as they needed it (commanded by the Bible to do so). All with limited government intrusion and regulation, such as seen in the god inspired document called the U.S. Constitution.

As such, the U.S. Constitution IS God Inspired, this single document has made the U.S. what it was and makes this County the last bastion of hope for freedom in the world as the world falls into Communism of one fashion or another. I say this in past tense as the personal guarantees of freedom within the U.S. Constitution have been chipped away slowly - simultaneously as it moves away from God. The more we move away from God, the more he moves away from us and the more Communism we see, and as such, we see the individual moral compass of persons degrading whereas people have become selfish and interested only in themselves.

What you are seeking has been done, unfortunately, sometimes you don't realize what you have until it is gone. People in this country have become fat and lazy and stupid and immoral. Someone once said that unless we understand history, history is doomed to repeat itself as people do not really change, they still have the same instincts have they have had for generations.

Yes, what you are describing would be described as "Utopia" by many seeking such a system of government, millions have died to get to that stage and literally million have died protecting it. It is a "Tall Order", very tall. However, Rome was not built in a day but completed one step at time and this can be done, you can be a difference, get involved even at your local level - such as working at a food kitchen or a homeless shelter. Most importantly pray incessantly in everything you do and you will be rewarded and he will guide you. But realize, everything is in Gods hands and with his schedule. What you may want or envision may not necessarily be what God wants, though it might seem like it should.

You CAN make a difference, Have your goal envisioned, but focus on the little steps so you don't become overwhelmed. You don't necessarily have to take on the world, that would be pretty tough, but join in like minded individuals who envision the same. I would also recommend you run for a local office of government if you can, I can see where your personal traits could really make a difference.

I really applaud you! As I said before, Successful people look for ways to help other people - You are already there, but correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think that is what is important to you? you are seeking something much higher and noble.

I hope a lot of this makes sense and look forward to helping you reach your personal goals to making a difference. I am the same way.

Wild Bill said...


Since my last post, I have given considerable thought to this discussion and I would like to explain my beliefs.

First and foremost, in my life I am a Born Again Christian and have been for several years. I too have studied Biblical Prophecy for years as well.

While I truly commend your thoughts and beliefs, what you are trying to accomplish will take years in the making. I personally do not believe we have that much time left here on earth. Plus the evil in this world is huge and getting even more evil by the day, the forces are against you.

Again, while I commend you and your goals, this is an even higher goal you can attain, and that is bring people to Christ and being a witness thereof. While you can be a beacon for humanity, you are a leader, people will follow you. For this I tell you, you can still serve humanity and witness for Christ at the same time. Just as I use my studies and knowledge in Biblical Prophecy to bring people to Christ and you can do this while serving humanity. If ever there was a change to make in peoples lives which is one of your goals, in my mind this would be the best way to do it. The U.S. of A is the greatest country in the world because of it and is the basis for which it was founded.

This is a much higher calling with rewards that are out of this world and for eternity.

The time is short, look at the world around you. I don't want you to be short changed in dealing with earth issues that are rather short lived, rather, bringing people to Christ, if anyone can do what you are seeking to do, he is the only answer.

ChiewYee Toh said...

Woww.... thank you so very much for taking the time and effort to give me not only ordinary kind of comment but ones that are so filled with passion and intent for our fellow beings too. Indeed, it is God alone and by His power alone that the impossible be made possible, that Healing could happen, that hard hearts could be soften by His will alone.

Actually, this goal was there since childhood, it feels like forever. Along the way, i went through my own craps, gave into hatred towards humanity and self, more craps and this goal was soon in the dumpster. God came in, picked me up, taking me out of that horrible memories of mine, slowly but surely teaching me about loving myself and fellow humans. So, suddenly this distant dream and goal find its way back into my life. The time for this world is getting shorter.. i do hope that through this goal, more ppl will become more empowered and the knowledge that the Creator had never abandon us and has in fact send His Son that we would be reconciled to Him through that redemptive blood.

Wild Bill said...


You are an incredible individual. You can achieve incredible heights, the only thing stopping you is you. Ask god daily to guide you and he will. Ask God to open your eyes to the wisdom of the Holy Spirit and he will. No matter where you are, no matter the situation, you can achieve goals beyond your vividest dreams.

I have no doubts in you whatsoever. You are an incredible person, what you are capable of, people only dream to be.

Your goals are the noblest of noble, ideals of the very best of human beings. But put aside your worldly goals, and set your eyes on he above and he will lead you through these things which you were born to be. Yes, you were blessed from birth, I truly believe this, not everyone can even think this way, let alone yearn to achieve, this takes a vary sacred heart.