Saturday, May 26, 2012

So what's life...??..

What is the most significant thing that happened in your life? Or the more pertinent question should be, what makes you feel like you are alive?

Many a time, I noticed people arranged numerous plans or programme, activities that supposedly is fulfilling and just forever wander out to mingle with everyone else. Yes, everyone but themselves. How many of us ever asked ourselves, do I like to spend time with MYSELF? Give that a try.

So, how many of us wondered, what's life? Or rather, what's to my life? Or maybe what's in my life? Or could it be WHY am I alive? Hmmmm.... the last question maybe it, or probably just one of the numerous questions that hang over us...

Now, this blog is unfortunately not to answer questions. Nope. On the contrary, I like asking questions, lots of it.

So what's life? It's about living, being straightforward, being kind to others, trying to contribute without trying too hard to deny our own existence. It's about living as life is, and not coming up and using acitivities and performances and achievements and 'successes' to pretend that all is good. Life in itself is good enough. The trick is to learn to take it one at a time.... as my new Facebook friend Wild Bill put it... it's not necessarily about the goal, but the path...

So what's life again? It's about being and enjoying and living as is... for me....

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