Sunday, April 13, 2008

What On Earth????

So, what on earth am I doing here????

Well, I've decided on getting into this whole blog thingy... at a whim...

See, I've always felt like I don't belong anywhere... here... in this world? And it kind of get to the point where I realised people like to hear me halfway and interrupt my.. whatever, as if they know what I want to say or do??? Well, all the time... WRONG!!!!

Well, they don't mean bad.... I Hope???.. but you know, the way people answer things usually give me the assumption that they must have felt like really defensive against what I was about to say??? Hope it's only my imagination... but, then again... Or maybe they just suddenly felt a sense of low self-esteem in front of me??? HEheHE..... I said that cause it made me feel cynical with people???

So, what on earth am i doing HERE???? Just to voice my opinion, I guess, cause when I talk to people, I usually need to shout in order to be heard.... then they said I'm Fierce... Yeah, and I think they are all acting deaf... Anyway, that's for now.... for... What On Earth????

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